Denim has been synonymous with jeans for time immemorial. It is not possible to separate one meaning from the other. Somehow, when you say denim, people automatically assume that you are talking about denim jeans, although there are plenty of other types of denim-wear out there. Denim jeans are just the most commonly worn denim garments. As such, they have reached an iconic level.
Denim jeans are particularly important to young people of today. They are a symbol of youth, vibrancy, and utility. As such, denim jeans can be found at just about every retail store and discount mart on the market. Denim jeans have become ingrained in American culture. However, denim jeans did not get their start in America. In fact, nobody really knows just where denim jeans come from. Rumors have them originating in France, while others tout England or Italy as the birthplace of the denim jeans. What we do know is that denim jeans were originally designed for the laborer, who needed trousers that were sturdy and comfortable.
Did you know that the word Denim actually refers to a color and not a type of fabric? The color indigo is mixed with a host of other colors such as blue, gray, white, or black to give you the myriad of colors that you find denim jeans available in today. These are special hues that are found only with the denim jeans; hence, the denim came to mean jeans.
Denim jeans use about half of the total global cotton output production, which by any standard is a huge figure. This would indicate easily how famous, popular and in demand this particular garment is to society. Initially, denim jeans were only used as casual wear; however things are changing and now denim jeans are entering the boardrooms of large corporations in the form of �casual-formals, Casual-formals are specifically designed for those people to whom comfort and elegance mean the same thing.
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