The Photographer - FW - Paris
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Camille - Palais de Tokyo
"Je m'appelle Camille, je suis en terminale.
Pour moi, la Mode est une expression personnelle.
Aujourd'hui, mon Look est un peu Glamour Romantique.
Dans la vie, j'adore mes chats, Noisette et Pookie et
je déteste l'arrogance. Mon message au monde: Vivez
au jour le jour ..."
Manteau Miss Selfridge
Robe par Yumi
Boots by Bata
Sac by Etam
Perfume: JP Gaultier
Maeva - Les Tuileries - Paris
" My name is Maeva. I work as Film Editor Assistant.
For me Fashion is to have a good looking. Today, my
look is something like dirty. I love to eat fat.
I hate pigeons. My message to the wordl: Be dirty !.."
I wear a T-Shirt by JC de Castelbajac
Jeans by H&M
Jacket by H&M
Shoes ?
Bag ?
Perfume by Narcisso Rodriguez
Alice - Le Marais - Paris
"Je m'appelle Alice. Je suis Fashion Editor chez Glamour.
Pour moi, la Mode est à la fois un plaisir et une contrainte.
Aujourd'hui, mon look est passe-partout. Dans la vie, j'adore
la Tunisie et je ne déteste rien ... Mon message au monde
entier: Arrêtez de consommer n'importe-quoi (Je sais,
c'est gonflé de dire ça pour une rédactrice de Mode !..."
Je porte un manteau Tara Jarmon
Une chemise The Kooples
Short par Carven
Bottes par Margiela
Lunettes par Claire Goldsmith
Sac by Chanel
Parfum: "Datura Noire" par Serge Lutens
Anne-Catherine - Ecole de Médecine - Paris
Jessica - Opéra - Paris
"Mon nom est Jessica. Je suis au Lycée français.
Pour moi, la Mode est une façon de s'exprimer et de
s'identifier. Aujourd'hui, mon look est "girly".
J'aime Paris en été. Je déteste les gens qui
critiquent les autres juste pour se sentir mieux.
Mon message au monde entier: Envisagez le bon
côté de la vie !"
Je porte des vêtements
Zara, H&M et Primark
Friday, April 1, 2011
Lady Gaga To Write Fashion Column Books
Are you happy that Lady Gaga gets a chance to write about fashion now? I wonder if she will wind up designing her own fashion line? Or at least team up with a bigger label for a smaller collection? She clearly adores fashion, so I don’t see why she won’t end up one day designing her own line.
Are you planning to buy the magazine to see what she wrote? I have a feeling that it won’t be long until she publishes a book about her fashion tips. She could quickly become as a well of known fashion icon as Victoria Beckham.

The sari is the perfect garment for Indian women, especially because it so effectively conceals those bulges around our thighs. The problem with the sari is that it conceals excess weight so perfectly, that we really dont see the need to lose any of it which is possibly why most of our mothers, who belonged to the daily sari wearing generation, are overweight. Wear saris often, especially at formal gatherings. Remember though that although saris can very effectively conceal large hips, it shows off every spare inch on your tummy. If you have a slim waist and large hips are your only problem, the sari is your best bet.
Churidar kurtas
Churidar kurtas look exceptionally elegant and are very effective at concealing love handles, so prominent in jeans. Opt for a well-fitted kurta that ends at the knees or just above, with a tight churidar. Pair this with matching high heels. You will look a lot slimmer, younger, and taller!
Patiala salwars are also very much in fashion, but if you are trying to look slimmer, a churidar works better than a patiala. If you are very skinny and want to look a little fuller, you could consider opting for this.
If you have large hips, opt for long skirts that fit well at the hips before flaring out slightly. Such mermaid cuts are perfect for slimming down the silhouette below the waist. Don�t wear something with a flair beginning immediately at the waistband. Depending on the fabric and the climate, you can wear these skirts with delicate heels or with boots.
The best jeans for you would be fitted at the hips, with a slight boot cut. Dont wear jeans or trousers with pockets that open on the sides these make hips look larger. Opt for jeans in darker shades, like navy or black. You could even consider going in for jeans with vertical stripes, as these have a slimming effect. If you have love handles, you could wear a shirt with your jeans, or a kurti. Kurtis are especially effective at concealing love handles, but the problem again is if you fill up your wardrobe with kurtis, you may lose any incentive to work out and stay fit and toned.
Not everyone has the same body structure or build. Different women are built differently. If you have a larger structure, it may be impossible for you to look as slim as the women you see in beauty magazines, no matter how hard you try. You will only end up damaging your self-esteem in the long run. Also remember that you dont have to be skinny to look great. Women with larger builds look gorgeous too. Whether you are slim or well built, you should aim to tone your body and exercise regularly. Health should be your prime focus. The worst thing you can do to yourself is to sacrifice your health in order to look slimmer you will certainly regret it. Also, remember that women with large body structures give birth to tall, well-built children. Your sons will definitely thank you. Your daughter could excel in sports, and she will love the focus, high and huge self-esteem boost being good at a sport brings her.

At times, in an effort to look younger than we really are, we dress up in a manner inappropriate for our age. Although certain clothes may make us look younger than we really are, certain other clothes may make us look as if we are trying hard too hard to be young. It is, therefore, important to dress age-appropriate. Denim minis, for example, are best discarded from your wardrobe when you enter your mid-twenties.
Some of us like to keep in touch with fashion at all times, while others prefer just wearing what they think looks good on them. If you rather not keep pace with changes in fashion, stick to the middle ground. Don't make the mistake that many women do and wear something totally old-fashioned. Instead, wear something that's classy or current, though it may not be the latest trend. To take an example, if the latest trend in white shirts is satin collars, that doesn't mean your white shirt needs to have satin collars. Similarly, if the trend twenty years ago was to have tie-up lace collars, make sure your white shirt is not THAT old-fashioned either. If you are not following trends, then don't follow older trends either. Wearing clothes that are hopelessly old-fashioned does make you look older than you really are.
If you are in your thirties, even if you feel as though you are in your teens, try not to dress like a teenager. Remember, you don't need to try to look young if you are in your thirties you ARE young! Just strive to look your best.
Severe hairstyles make you look older than softer ones, so if you tie up all your hair in a tight bun, you will look older than if you leave your hair loose.
Ponytails take years off most women's faces, as do blunt cuts. Similarly, wearing your hair long and loose, without too many waves or steps, can also make you look young. But if the ends of your hair look like rats tails, you're better off cutting it shorter.
Although there's no doubting the fact that braiding your hair in two plaits will make you look younger, this is a hairstyle completely inappropriate for anyone older than eighteen.
Getting rid of excessive weight will not only make you look and feel better, it will also make you look and feel younger. That's right, overweight people tend to look a little older than their slimmer counterparts.

At what time do you have your dinner? Research suggests that you should have finished your dinner at least three hours before going to bed. So if you start your dinner at nine and are in bed at eleven, you're not doing it right.
Needless to say, for most of us it is more practical to change the time we have our dinner than it is to change our bedtime. Don't do it gradually. The most important thing is to make up your mind, make a plan, and stick to it. And what should your plan be Simply to keep a cut-off time after which you will not eat anything.
How many of you return home from office at around 7:00, then eat a snack, and have dinner at around 9:30 or so And then, before long, you go to bed. The result All that food, just sitting in your stomach. Not very healthy, to say the least. Instead, skip the snack and have your dinner as soon as you return from office. Not only does is this good for you because it reduces the chances of you having junk, snacky food, but eating an early dinner also helps you lose weight.
What does having an early dinner have to do with losing weight
Eating an early dinner has a positive effect on our metabolism. Perhaps because we eat early and walk around for at least three hours before going to bed, our food gets digested instead of getting deposited in fat cells.
When we say 'early dinner', we do not mean that you give in to a craving a couple of hours later and start snacking! The rule is, after you are done with dinner, brush your teeth, and don't eat anything else. Not a single biscuit, wafer or peanut! Nothing! Hey, no one said losing weight was easy.
Needless to say, if you gulp down five parathas loaded with ghee and a bucket of ice cream with every meal, you're not going to get anywhere in your weight loss plan.
Eat sensibly, and be aware of what you are putting in your mouth. Just being generally cautious, not eating fried foods, not eating foods dipped in ghee, and avoiding sweets will help in your weight loss.
Even eating the same food you eat on a normal basis, just eating it earlier, will help you lose weight.
The problem is, when we dine early, we tend to feel hungry a few hours later, and if we are still up, we will be very tempted to snack. The best thing to do alternative would be to drink a glass of water. This will trick your stomach into feeling full.
Remember, you are not depriving your body of food. What you are doing is setting a pattern for a healthier body which is really the best way to approach any weight loss program.
Simply eating food a few hours earlier will help you lose some weight, but to lose a healthy, substantial amount if you are looking to lose weight is not so easy. Find out what next you can do tomorrow, in our five-point plan to lose weight.

While you may not be fat, most of us mere mortals have bulges and projections that we'd like to hide from the rest of the world. Here are some that will trick the world into believing you're a perfect 10! Of course, this doesn't mean you slacken off and stop working towards shedding those few extra kilos. Keep exercising away, but who says you can't look sexy right now? Sure you can! Read on. While it may not be even better than the real thing, it's close enough.
All-over slimness
Wear all black. This is one of the oldest tricks in the world. No colour slims you down as black does. Even if you don't stick to all black, opt for another colour, but make sure it's dark, like navy or bottle green, and it's the same, single colour from head to toe.
Fleshy Arms
Hide fleshy arms by wearing tops or dresses with full sleeves. Avoid wearing clothes with short tight sleeves. Magia sleeves are definitely out.
Big Bust
While a big bust is usually not something women want to conceal, sometimes it just might be a little too large for comfort.Draw attention away from your chest by wearing something around your neck like a choker, or even a pair of prominent earrings. Dont wear any jewellery that falls across your chest, as it will just draw attention towards it.
Wear a top that doesn't have any gold buttons or focal point to draw attention towards. Thus, a printed top would be better than a plain black top with one butterfly or flower embossed bang in the centre.
Don't wear tops with horizontal stripes, as they make you look broader. Wear vertical stripes. They will slim you down and make you look taller.
Stay away from belts as they accentuate your bust and shouldersFASHION SENSE

Today, more than ever, a person's appearance plays an important role in how he is perceived and treated by others. If you dress well, you get taken more seriously. You get treated with respect. People are more likely to want to interact with you, and employers are more likely to hire you. The way you dress says a lot about the kind of person you are. People unknowingly form an impression about you as soon as they see you and this impression may or may not be true. A sloppy dresser may come across as someone not serious about his work, while a sharp dresser may come across as someone always on top of things.
Make it a point to dress well always so you don't pass on a negative opinion of yourself even if it's true! Here are some tips on how you can pump your fashion sense up by a few notches.
Study magazines and observe how the models dress. And no, it is not a good idea to study Filmfare, Showtime and the like. Steer clear of film magazines if you are looking for dress tips. Instead, opt for fashion focused magazines. At times you may find something you like in a magazine, but it may be exorbitant. Remember, you don't need to buy the exact same thing to replicate a look.
Shop carefully
When shopping, don't buy anything and everything that appeals, or you will find yourself stuck with more clothes than you will ever wear, and a lot less money! Instead, shop smart. Know what you want before you go shopping. Those that do this almost always dress better than those that don't and by spending a whole lot less. It is true that some people have a great eye for fashion and can tell that something will look great by just looking at it, but if you don't have a similar eye, then don't waste your money.
Be creative
Many of us find wearing salwar kameezes so much easier because we don't need to spend a lot of time figuring out what we should wear with what. We buy the entire set ready-to-wear, and all we need do is wear a matching bindi and bangles. However, when it comes to western wear, we do need some help.
Many of us have a few pairs of blue jeans, and then pick up a plethora of t-shirts to wear with these jeans. Be creative. Don't wear jeans all the time. Wear a skirt every once in a while, wear cropped trousers at times, and wear a dress at other times. However, pairing clothes together does take some skill, which is why referring to magazines helps.

Fifty percent of your looks center on the way you carry yourself. If you slouch, understand that no matter how pretty your face may be, you will not come across as striking. You want to be able to walk into a party with your husband and give people the impression that you are a smart person with an attractive personality. So we've said it once and we're saying it again - don't slouch.
Most of us spend all our energy on trying to make our faces look good, and then just grab the first thing in the closet and put it on. Pay more attention to your wardrobe. Shopping smart means that you don't need to have as much to look as good.
Stock up on a few basics. Ill-fitting bras will make you feel conscious and uncomfortable. Often, tee-shirts stretch tight over ill-fitting bras, and the creases in the bras ruin the fall of the t-shirt making it look tacky. Thus, padded bras are a great option as your clothes fall smoothly over your bra. If you are big-breasted and would rather not wear padded bras, wear seamless, plain ones with tight clothes.
Invest in 2 basic camisoles (spaghetti tops) - a black one and a white one. You can wear these under almost anything transparent, and they are great for wearing under all your kurtis. For a varied and semi-formal look, you can wear them under a well-fitted shirt and leave the shirt open.
White shirt
Nothing looks as cool and crisp on a hot summer day than a crisp white shirt. True, a white t-shirt looks great as well, but a white shirt can be worn casually with a pair of jeans, formally to the office with trousers, and out for a lunch with friends, open, with a camisole under, so it is much more versatile.
Black trousers and a black jacket
A pair of basic, sleek black trousers is a must. These can be worn almost anywhere - to the office, to a party, to a dinner, or even casually. If you don't work in an office that requires formal attire or if you are a housewife, you can skip the black jacket.

Nothing looks more striking than all white. Often, people tend to pair off a coloured top with white pants. While you can definitely do that, you will stand out much more if you stick to head to toe white. The best part of wearing one solid colour is that you can team it up with accessories of any other colour, without bothering about whether it matches with your clothes. Naturally it should not clash with what you are wearing, but do not be afraid of contrasting colours. However, if you are not wearing one colour, preferably match your shoes and bag with either your top or with your trousers to look completely haute. Needless to say, the more economical option would be to have one striking set of matching shoes and bag, which you can pair with any other outfit if you stick to single colours.
As far as possible, stay away from black during the day, and this includes black belts, black bags and black shoes. A thick, decorative black belt with white linen trousers and a cool shirt can look a little jarring.
Summer dressing should be as simple and uncomplicated as possible. Slippers are the cheapest footwear you can lay your hands on, and they look great in the summer. In addition, you can buy slippers in a variety of colours without breaking the bank.
Linen is possibly the coolest fabric you can be seen in during the summer. It looks great, and is very much de rigueur this season. And the best part It helps keep your cool in the heat. Please, please, stay away from denim! Denim is a thick, heavy fabric, and totally unsuitable for summer wear. Light, thin denim jeans are fine, but stay away from the regular thick denim and under no circumstances should you wear corduroy. Similarly, stay away from anything velvety or suede. Linen, jute and pure cotton are fabrics you should live in to beat the heat.
Wear sunglasses. Sunglasses not only look cool, but they play a much more important part than being just a fashion accessory. Sunglasses protect your eyes from ultra-violate radiation, and also delay the onset of crow's feet and under-eye wrinkles by reducing your need to crinkle your eyes in the sunlight. In addition, sunglasses help when driving, as the sudden glare of the sun may at times render you momentarily blind.
Ah, Chaas!
Instead of a glass of tea, coffee or milk in the morning, drink a glass of lassi (buttermilk). Lassi is very cooling, and is the best drink to have in the summer, especially to counter the heat in your body generated by all those mangoes, and by the soaring temperature! Have salted lassi instead of sweet lassi, as one tends to get dehydrated faster in the summer and salt aids water retention. And, naturally, cutting down sugar helps cut down the calories! Avoid eating food from the roadside in the summer. Food gets bad faster, so there is a greater likelihood that you will be eating something spoilt or contaminated.

Myth is the second name of fear. When a person has a fear in mind, he or she spreads it to others through myths. Myths have the power to stop us from living a whole life. Many people hold myths in each and every thing they do in life. Same is in the case of hair removal. Technology has gifted us lots of new ways of hair removal. But many women fear using them as they are already victims of myths about hair removal. Read on to find out how a pin difference between a fact and a myth can stop you from looking your best.
Myths and facts about hair removal
Most of the women want to get rid of unwanted body hair to look beautiful. Waxing, shaving and laser treatment are three most commonly used methods for hair removal. Here are some myths that women hold about these hair removal methods. You will also find some facts which will help you to break these myths.
Hair removal by waxing
Waxing is the best hair removal method as recommended by beauticians. Most of the women prefer waxing for hair removal purpose. It helps to remove hair from the root. Here are some myths and facts about this removal technique.
- There is a thick hair growth post-waxing
- Skin becomes rough
- It results in patches on the skin
- It is very painful
- Waxing removes the hair completely from the root. The new hair grown is less thick than the previous hair. Regular waxing of hands and legs reduces the hair growth taking place at each time
- Rough skin is as a result of not taking care of skin. Proper skin care regime like exfoliation, massaging should be followed regularly pre and post-waxing
- Waxing is a chemical free method of hair removal. So there are no chances of patches or marks resulting from it
- The pain experienced is not the same for all women. Some may experience pain and some may not. It is not extremely painful. It may depend on the thickness of the hair and skin type.

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money if you want to keep your hair healthy and beautiful. No one likes dandruff in his or her hair. Do not worry; you can prevent dandruff by following few simple and easy tips. The best way to cure or prevent dandruff is to apply natural products.
Dandruff is caused when the dead skin cells on your scalp shed terribly. There is a fungus that has also great role in developing dandruff. This causes white flakes and person feels itching sensation on scalp. The perfect solution to preventing dandruff from reoccurring is to use specialty hair care products that are created and designed to fight dandruff.
Tips to Prevent Dandruff
- Choose a dandruff fighting shampoo that is mild but contains active ingredients that help get rid of dandruff.
- Wash your hair regularly. Some people need to shampoo daily while others wash their hair twice or thrice in a week.
- Make sure you message your scalp gently while shampooing. Do not scrub or rub roughly even if you feel irritation on your scalp.
- Avoid using styling materials that increase dandruff in your hair. Also keep yourself away from stress as much as possible. Stress also increases dandruff.
- If applying natural products, give some time in observing the results. Natural treatments take time.
Homemade Dandruff Remedies
Here are some homemade remedies to prevent and get rid of dandruff. Natural and homemade products have slow effects and it might take some time. Here are some tips that might help you.
- If you mix vinegar and water and apply it on your scalp, you will get good results.
- Apply lukewarm coconut oil on your scalp with the help of cotton ball and leave it overnight. In the morning apply lemon juice on it. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash your hair as usual.
- Mix olive oil with almond oil and then message it gently on your scalp. Leave it for five minutes and then wash your hair.
- Grind fenugreek seeds soaked overnight into paste and apply. Leave for 30 minutes and then wash your hair.
- Aloe Vera is also great for soothing itchy skin. This is because it has endless medicinal properties. Message with it, leave for 15 minutes and then wash as usual

Hema is so engrossed in her day-to-day activities that she did not even realise that she is coping with hair fall problem. She was wondering why she had to cope with hair fall problem as according to her she was taking right care of her hair. But she did not know that there are several factors which can be responsible for hair fall problem.
Many women as well as men cope with the problem of hair fall. However, if proper remedies are followed, hair fall problem can be prevented. Hair fall is caused as we ignore small things which are necessary for taking care of hair. Read on to know some tips for preventing hair fall.
Tips for Preventing Hair Fall
Have a quick look at tips for preventing hair fall
- Wash your hair at least twice a week.
- Give head massage to your self before washing your hair. Head massage makes hair strong and helps to prevent hair fall. If possible, take head massage treatment once in while from experts and massage therapists to make your hair strong and beautiful.
- Use natural conditioners like oil, ghee, curd to condition your hair after washing it. Using these natural hair conditioners before washing your hair can also prove beneficial. Avoiding chemical based conditioners and shampoos can help to prevent hair fall problem.
- Try to dry your hair naturally and avoid using hair dryer as much as possible. Using hair dryer frequently can make your hair dull and can result in hair fall.
- Avoid artificial hair beautifying treatments like hair straightening, hair perming or hair ironing. As these treatments involve use of chemical based hair products as well as hair pulling to certain extent, it may damage your hair in turn causing hair fall.
- Avoid using chemical based products like hair gels and serums which may make your hair look beautiful for the time being but result in hair fall.
- Avoid colouring your hair with artificial hair colours. You can use herbal hair dye if possible. The contents in hair dyes and hair colours may not suit your hair and result in hair fall. As such, try to find out from hair expert about the hair colour which you should use.
- Try to use natural remedies to cope with hair problems like dandruff etc.
- Imbibe a habit of having a balanced diet. Try to consume green vegetable as much as possible. A balanced diet is a key to good health as well as good hair.
- Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water every day. Water helps to flush out all the toxins from body and helps to deal with problems like hair fall easily.
- Try to sleep on time and ensure that you sleep for at least eight hours.
Botox Injections - Treat Severe Underarm Sweating

Underarm sweating is a severe problem faced by millions of people across the globe. It is a chronic condition wherein the subject has severe sweating in the arm pits and is referred to Axillary Hyperhidrosis. More than a million people in the U.S alone suffer from this disease. People suffering from Axillary Hyperhidrosis have been found to sweat four times more than normal subjects in order to maintain a normal body temperature. This condition can not only be a social stigma but if left ignored for long can lead to swelling, itching and redness of the underarms.
As far as sweaty underarms are concerned, people have reported that they have not been able to concentrate on their work and there has been a constant “low” feeling at parties and social gatherings. Be it inside a crowded bus or an evening garden party, Axillary Hyperhidrosis has been found to be a serious contributor towards low self esteem of the subjects.
The good news however, is that you can get rid of that smelly sweat forever with Botox injections. Botox has been approved the U.S FDA for treatment of Axillary Hyperhidrosis. Botox is not new to the medical fraternity. It has been successfully used for treating wrinkles. The very recent studies published are long term ones and Botox has been found to be effective in keeping severe underarm sweating at bay for at least two years.
Antiperspirants and prescription creams have been used for long to fight sever underarm sweating. Deodorants have been so extensively used and trusted upon that people tend to blame the amount of deodorant sprayed, not the deodorant itself for underarm stench. Botox injections can replace all such creams and sprays effectively. The myth of spraying more to fight sweat more however holds true for Botox to some extent. Recent three year trials on large populations have shown that people seemed to respond more to the treatment when given repeatedly. The study revealed that after the first treatment, 82% of the treated population had a reduction of symptoms by 75% four weeks after the injection and four weeks after the second and third dosages, the “sweat reduction” population went up to 79%. That clearly shows that Botox injections can keep sweaty underarms at bay if taken repeatedly. The trials have also concluded that Botox injections are safe and do not cause reactions or long term after effects when used regularly.
Botox injections work by blocking the chemical signals that are sent to the sweat glands. When the glands don’t receive signals, sweating process is inhibited. Taking a Botox therapy doesn’t require a lot of time. You can spend just ten to fifteen minutes at the doctor’s chamber and get a Botox injection. The cost usually varies from doctor to doctor, but you can expect each treatment to cost you to the tune of $2000. That however is acceptable if you consider the social stigma of severe underarm sweating.
In the follow-up study, researchers found Botox continued to be effective with repeated treatment. After the first treatment, 82% had up to a 75% reduction in sweat production in four weeks after the injection.
Use Anti-Wrinkle Creams-Get Wrinkle Free Face

every woman wants to be smart and cute. A wrinkle free face will certainly enhance the glamor and elegance of a lady. Therefore, special care needs to be taken by women to increase the glamor of their faces. The skincare is one of the most important factors of physical wellness program. A wrinkle free face is a point of attraction to people. It is seen that many men and women suffer from the brunt of their ugly faces which are covered with deep wrinkles and large size pimples or nodules. Simultaneously, with the technological advancement and invention of a number of sophisticated tools and equipments in the sphere of medical science, it is now possible to remove the wrinkles from the face. Myriad medications, lotions and creams are now available in the market, which are very effective to remove the dark spots and wrinkles from the skin texture.
However, one should do a deep probe to find the best medication which will stand a person in good stead. A qualitative anti-wrinkle cream will produce the good impact on the surface of the skin. Frankly speaking, the anti-wrinkle cream has been specially formulated keeping in mind the basic requirements of the aged and the teens. These medicated products are conducive to bring the elegance to the skin texture removing the dead skin. There are very important and vital ingredients like Vitamin E, Hydroxy acid, Alppha hydroxyl, beta hydroxyl and poly hydroxyl acids etc. Hydroxy acids play a major role in wiping out the wrinkle affected skin and help the speedy growth of the new skin. Vitamin also performs as anti-oxidant and it helps persons to get out of the grip of the wrinkles. All these components are used in a highly qualitative and competent anti-wrinkle cream. Besides these, Coenzyme Q-10, copper peptides, Kinetin, Isoflavones inclusive of Vitamin C are also utilized at the time of manufacturing anti-wrinkle creams.
Face Serum made by Earth Daily drug manufacturing company can be applied to the skin texture for the removal of the free radicals and wrinkles from different parts of the body. ProVitiamin B5 plus DMAE ingredients are also used by pharmaceutical companies in making this cream. DMAE is very helpful to accelerate the firmness of the skin and therefore it revitalizes the skin surface. Fusion Beauty LiftFusion Eye Lift is another good anti-wrinkle cream which is also very efficient to boost up the brightness of the skin texture. All these anti-wrinkle creams can be purchased at the reasonable price rates. Internet is the powerful source of placing the order for the best anti-wrinkle cream. One can get lot of current information going through the online anti-wrinkle cream reviews in the different internet based sites. In this connection, an intimate conversation with any experienced health-care
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Clean healthy skin, free of dirt & oil with makeup

Makeup removers are important for clean skin. In Europe, women thought for ages that water was bad for the skin as a makeup remover. In France some women still think that using tissue and make up removers will prevent your skin from drying. Most women with normal skin should use a cleanser at night to remove makeup, cellular debris and the grime of the day. Although a rinse-off cleanser will cut through most face makeup, eye makeup can be a lot harder to remove and requires a product with a lot of oil. Makeup removers or cosmetic make up remover is a must to have around. Stubborn eye makeup requires a gentle solvent that is removes mascara and rinses off easily.
In order to use your makeup removers properly, the best way to remove makeup is to shake a few drops of make up remover on a cotton ball and dap away. If you need an oil-free product there are inexpensive cosmetic remover products available that work really well in removing dirt and oil. When removing your makeup always use a very gentle touch, use a delicate, gliding movement when caring for your skin to avoid wear and tear. By removing your makeup regularly your skin will look healthy and will protect its natural tone.
Make up for Dark Complexion

If you have a dark skin stick to warm, earthy colors. Gold, bronze and maroon are in fact best for dusky skins. Cooler colors like mauve, pink and silver look better on fairer skins.
Choose lipsticks with matte finish rather than frosted ones. The shades should not be too dark or too light. Medium dull shades would look best. Bright pinks or reds are an absolutely NO! If you have dark lips, before applying lipstick, put some foundation and powder on your lips.
Your blusher too should not be pinkish. Peachish blushers work best on dusky complexion. A gold eyeshadow would be complimentary where as a silver one may not look good.

Once the dress, shoes and bag are picked its time to work on the deciding factor of your look, the make-up.
- Start with a natural looking base with a matt effect if you have oily skin or a glossy effect if you have dry skin. Pick a tone that complements your skin's undertone and is a shade darker or lighter depending on the kind of coverage you want. Remember looking your age will make you look more beautiful. Trying to look more glamorous will end up making you look years older than your real age. Believe me when you are 35 and you go over your scrapbook you want to look only 18 and not a day older on your prom night.
- Use colors on your eyes that make them sparkle up and not make you look like you got punched. Oceanic blues, champagne beige, sage, pink, violet, warm browns and coppers look nice as base shades but remember to be subtle. Once you are through with the shadows, use double quotes of transparent waterproof mascara.
- Apply blush, it'll give you the virginal flushed look that oh so many women would kill for. If you have a cool complexion then use a rosy colored blush and for warm complexions bronzed blushes look fabulous.
- This day is special so of course you can use that lip color you've been eyeing on your favorite diva and wear it with élan. While posing for photographs do not wear any lip-gloss. Matte lip colors will balance the make-up on your face. Wearing glossy lip shades will reflect light and spoil your photographs.
- When you are done with your photo session you can smother all the gloss you want.
- Your hair do should compliment your dress. Generally tied up buns and braids look very dressy and excellent with tiaras (just in case you are prom queen) but shiny long hair with curls also look very graceful and sort of princess like. The key is choosing the right style for your face and dress. Every one thing you do should compliment the other.
- You can add many accessories to your hair and your outfit and dress up your entire ensemble. A brooch on a plain evening gown and a clutch bag will look infinitely high end.
Bridal Makeup Tips

A corrective, subtle makeup that enhances your best features and makes you naturally radiant and beautiful is probably the best because the first thing people will notice alongside your gown on your wedding day is how stunning and radiant you look all overall, not exactly just the makeup itself. But first, start preparing your skin with some months in anticipation to your wedding. Program a regular series of weekly facials to get all the impurities out, and drink two glasses of water every day immediately after waking up in addition to the 8 daily glasses suggested, even if your skin condition is good. Along with bridal makeup an efficient skin hydration is important because the accumulative stress of all those months getting ready for the event may be reflected on your face THAT day when you want you don’t want is to look tired or withered.
Have your eyebrows trimmed one day before your wedding and sleep well, even a few more hours than usual, if you can! Nothing helps your skin more than relaxing and sleep. In the morning of the big day, make sure your skin is well moisturized about 10 minutes after having your hair done and before applying your makeup and before applying foundation; apply a transparent gel or "primer" to form a barrier between your skin and the makeup. This film industry trick keeps makeup out of your pores and make it stays longer on while keeping colors true for hours, but use extreme care with the foundation considering the environment in which the photographs will bet taken.
When defining your eyes always aim for a natural look shaping eyes softly with an eyeliner or smudgeable powder liner that works best. Avoid harsh lines that look anti-natural. Curl your lashes gently by holding the curler against dry lashes for five seconds, then apply 2 or 3 layers of water proof mascara and choose your eye shadow carefully avoiding trendy colors such as blue, sometimes fashionable in the date of the event but mostly looking outdated when people look at the photos in the future.
In bridal makeup, bright and neon colors must be avoided... they simply scream out of photos, but do not go to the opposite side. The bright day of your wedding it is not proper to use gray. All the effort put in to making your skin look radiant will go to the trashcan because gray makes skin look ashy. The best bet for your makeup in the big day is to choose a neutral or true color.

with any vegetable oil and apply. For hair loss mix in lavender essential oil to any base of oil of your choice. For glossy and shiny hair use aloe Vera oil.
Oils for your body: Sesame oil is by far the best for the silky smooth body everyone craves. To make it more fragrant add a few drops of any essential oil like bergamot, coriander or lemongrass. Remember to take a hot or steam bath post application of any oil if you have a cellulite problem because oils tend to block pores. For the body any vegetable oil like olive oil or jojoba oil works just fine as well.
Oils for your hands: apply a warm mixture of almond and olive oil to your hands before sleeping and slip them into mittens for best results. Wake up to baby soft hands you only had when you were 3.
Oils for your feet: have you forever been trying to get rid of those cracked heels without devoting hours everyday and weekly pedicures. Ditch these rituals and get smart. Take a small tub just about the size so that you can dip your feet in it. Before bedtime warm a few ounces of olive oil and pour it into the tub. Dip your feet for ten minutes. Take them out and wipe them with a damp coarse cloth that was dipped in hot water before tumbling and removing excess water. Apply a generous amount of cold cream and wear socks. Your feet will have even a tootsie fetishist drooling.
Oils for your eyes: use vitamin e oil or almond oil for your under eye area. It helps remove dark circles.
Oils for your face: use carrier oil such as jojoba (normal skin) and add essential oils right for your skin type to get the best results. For oily skin peppermint, sage, clove, camphor, cypress, etc work well. For normal skin baby oil works fine too. For dry skin use emu oil. Mix in essential oils of your preference Turkish rose, jasmine, etc. For sensitive skin use olive oil to moisturize as it is mild. Although to remove irritation and inflammation from sensitive skin aloe Vera oil is unbeatable.
Oils for your well-being: any discussion on oils for beauty would be incomplete if internal beauty were ignored. Oils like evening primrose, flax seed, and sunflower have essential mega 3 fatty acids and active ingredients that maintain body’s EFAs i.e., (over all well being hormone).

- Figure out your body type: once you know what body type you are you can read tips exactly for your kind.
- Follow tips specific to your size (weight and height) and age as well.
- Always try to wear free flowing fabrics in one tone to achieve a long and slim look. Try fabrics like chiffon or georgette for dresses.
- Please wear only your size. Oversized clothes never have or will make look anyone any good. Stay away from anything that’s baggy or exaggerated as far as size goes no matter how comfortable.
- Be careful while adding on accessories. Never add on anything just for heck of it. Your accessories speak more about you than your clothes do. So watch out there.
- Make sure whatever jeweler you wear blends well with your ensemble.
- Wear belts only if you have an extremely thin waist. (I know this is a hard one.)
- Wear clothes you are comfortable in and that reflect your personality. You’ll undoubtedly look your best in them.
- Cleverly accessorize your look by adding a scarf or a stole for the added effect.
- Before picking up your clothes read the wash care and after care instructions carefully. Never buy on an impulse something that might cost you more than its cost for maintenance.
- Invest in a basic wardrobe, shoes, and bags. Mix and match the rest of the things picked up every season or even stuff picked up from flea markets.
- Form your own style statements and avoid following fashion trends blindly. Always have a back-up classic wardrobe and experiment with new things only to an extent.
Chemical Facial Peels - Say '"bye-bye" to tired skin

Benefits of Chemical Face Peels
- Chemical peeling is used to treat fine lines, especially under the eyes and around the mouth.
- Mild scarring and certain types of acne may also be treated with chemical peels.
- Pigmentation of the skin in the form of sun spots, age spots, freckles etc. is improved.
- Skin that is dull in texture and color may be improved.
1. Proper sunscreens should be used in conjuction with chemical peels.
2. Chemical peeling does not remove deep scars.
About Chemical Peels
Until recently, face peels were intriguing to many but reserved for the brave. Now, even the squeamish can get in on the act as the gentler beta hydroxy acid (BHA) joins the ranks of "lunchtime" peels.
BHA peels - said to be less irritating than the more traditional alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) peels - still promise to dimnish sun damage and restore a rosy glow. In fact, some doctors insist that they are more effective than AHAs because they penetrate the skin deeper.
The advantage of BHA peels is that they are self-neutralizing, meaning as the alcohol solution evaporates, the acid becomes inactive. This is why they are less irritating than AHA peels.
However despite BHA's deeper penetration, you wont see significant results the first time around. It takes four to eight monthly sessions for best results, and its effects may last only six months to a yar.
Furthermore BHA peels, which usually contain salicylic acid, penetrate the skin's top layer to break down the "glue" that binds cells. This can prompt shedding of sun-damaged skin, which will be visible as flaking for a few days.
Finally, dont expect the wrinkles to disappear. It wont happen - not even from a series of peels, whether they are BHAs or AHAs. While a series of BHAs may help the finest of lines, if you have medium to deep wrinkles, they are a waste of time and money.,
Increase your sex appeal, groom your looks and look sexier

Well, looking sexy is a simpler feat than you might think.!
Love Your Body type.
You need to feel proud of your body type and make a note of your best features. Nice legs, a great bust line, slim shoulders, nice toes, attractive eyes? Figure it out, literally. Then capitalize on those assets.
The Sexy Ensemble.
So what if your hips stretch for miles? How about concentrating on your neckline, then and getting the sexiest set of plungers ever? Basically you need to get together a wardrobe that camouflages the bulges and accentuates all the curves, but most of all makes you feel comfortable.
Choreograph Your Look.
Throw in some sensuous make-up and matching accessories and you'll divert the attention to the right places!
Ooze Confidence.
Ultimately it's not just about how deep your necklines plunge or how high your mini-skirts ride. It's about feeling comfortable in your clothes and confident enough to carry off what you wear. Once you let this seep into your mental makeup, the style and the sexiness will bounce off automatically. And what's more, your confidence will translate into your own exquisite brand of sexiness.
Tooth Whitening

What causes tooth discoloration?
There are many causes. The most common factors are age, tobacco, coffee, or tea. Other types of stains can be caused by antibiotics, such as tetracycline; or too much fluoride.
What are most popular tooth whitening treatments available and how they work?
1. At home tooth bleaching kits
In a bleach based tooth whitener kit, you apply a tooth bleaching agent to a mouth tray then insert the tray into your mouth. Most of the trays are worn for an hour.
These products contain peroxide(s), which actually bleach the tooth enamel. These products typically rely on percent carbamide peroxide as the bleaching agent, carbamide peroxide comes in several different concentrations (10%, 16%, 22%).
Peroxide-containing whiteners typically come in a gel and are placed in a mouthguard. Usage regimens vary. Some products are used for about twice a day for 2 weeks, and others are intended for overnight use for 1-2 weeks. We recommend this Arctic White Tooth Whitening Kit which is really effective and one of the best.
2. Tooth whitening strips
These are placed on the teeth and are usually removed after wearing for 30 minutes. These are one of the most effective and affordable treatment for the whitening of teeth. The best whitening strips available are Crest Whitestrips They are highly recommended! Read the customer's reviews of Crest Whitestrips here. They also have peroxides as their main ingredient.
3. Toothpastes
All toothpastes help remove surface stain through the action of mild abrasives. "Whitening" toothpastes have special chemical or polishing agents that provide additional stain removal effectiveness. Unlike bleaches, these products do not alter the intrinsic color of teeth. If you wish to use whitening toothpaste, we recommend Colgate Simply White Advanced Whitening Toothpaste which is probably the best out there.
Breast enhancement to increase your breast size naturally without painful surgery

a. Swinging arms clock-wise and then anti-clock-wise for eight counts is of great help.
b. Use the pestle and mortar instead of the mixie for all your grinding work.
c. Massage in circular motions applying pressure on the upward area is known to work.
d. Stand facing a wall at arm's length. Place palms on the wall. Push against the wall as if you were pushing it away, without bending arms at the elbow. Hold for eight counts and relax arms for eight counts. Repeat this eight to twenty times a day.
Til or Sesame Seeds are very effective in firming and enlarging the breasts of women . This seed is made up of calcium, protein, iron and phosphorous and should be included in one's daily diet. The oil also can be applied on the breast.
Must know bath basics, homemade scrubs and more for all your bathing needs

1. Never share bathing accessories like poufs, sponges or loofahs. This is unhealthy.
2. Washing these accessories with anti-bacterial soap is a great idea.
3. Ensure that they are completely dry before you store them.
4. You can wash poufs, sponges as well as loofah's in washing machines.
5. Replace these accessories every once, in two months.
A Do-It-Yourself Oatmeal Scrub For Sparkling Skin!
An oatmeal scrub? Yes, because oatmeal has the following properties:
. It soothes the skin
. It works as delicate abrasive
. It gets rid of impurities
. It works well for oily skin
All You Need Is:
18 inches of fine muslin cloth & 300gms of oatmeal
. Sew four or five small rectangular bags about 2 inches by 3 inches out of muslin.
. Leave one end of each bag open, fill each of the bags with oatmeal, and then sew it closed. In The Bath.
. Hold a bag under the tap of the running water. Allow the water to run through the bag, gradually soaking it.
. The oatmeal will mix with the water as it flows into the tub or bucket, softening the water.
. As you use the bag to scrub you'll be removing the impurities.
Get a radiant glow with these effective, economical and time-tested scrubs and washes:
. Apply a paste of boiled carrots to the face. Let it stand and wash off after 20 minutes to reveal blemish-free clear skin.
. Baking soda too makes for an invigorating facial scrub. Cleanse face with mild soap and water and slough off blackheads and other debris with a paste of 3 parts baking soda and 1 part water. Rinse to reveal a clear, zits-free face!
. Honey is a great skin food. Apply some on your skin and wash off with plain water after 20 minutes. Honey enhances the skin's moisture-retaining capacity, making it soft and supple. Adding a few drops of citrus juice to the honey will also enhance the quality of your skin.
. Grind 2 almonds and mix with one portion of lemon juice and a bit of honey. Use this scrub to get rid of persistent blackheads and hard-to-dislodge dirt.
4 Easy Steps to Shape the Perfect Brow

How do you achieve the perfect brow? For most women it's a daunting task that is best left to the professionals, for fear of making a mess of things. But with a few simple guidelines you can create the perfect brows in the comfort of your own home.
Warning; never ever shave your brows! Not only is the shaved area visible in a day, but you can make mistakes very easily and they are hard to correct. You have two options for removing the hairs. Waxing and tweezing. Personally, I'm not a big fan of waxing the brows as the skin around the eyes is so delicate and every time you stretch the skin by ripping the wax off, you are causing damage.
Having said that, I know a lot of women swear by waxing so it really is a personal preference.
1) Always follow your own natural brow line. The purpose of removing hairs is to shape the brows, not change it. The beginning of the brow should align with your nostrils. An easy way to determine this is; hold a pencil next to your nostril pointing to your forehead. That is where the brow should start. Any hairs in the centre of the brows should be removed. Never over tweeze above the brow. It is OK to remove a few straight hairs but generally above the brow should be left alone.
2) Before you even begin pulling hairs out, decide on the thickness of the brows you want. Remember that pencil thin eyebrows are not a good look. Aim for a shapely, natural look. Grab an eyeliner or if you have dark hairs a lip liner so you can clearly see the colour and draw in the desired shape. This can take a few attempts, but you can always wipe it off with eye makeup remover and start again until you are happy with the shape.
3) Any hairs not covered by the pencil, come out. Go slowly so you don't over tweeze. One hair at a time. Stop regularly and have a look in a large mirror to check your progress. Do one eye roughly then move on to the other. Then compare both eyes to make sure they are even. Keep evening them out one hair at a time, until you are happy with the results.
4) The first time may take a little while to get it right, so allow plenty of time for yourself. Never do it in a rush. Make sure you are in a room that has plenty of natural light. Once you have the desired shape the maintenance of it is very simple. Again, one hair at a time remove the regrowth. After you have done it a few times for yourself, you can have a go at your friends' brows. If you're game.
Mascara Miracle - 7 Steps to Va Va Voom Eyes

Yes it's that simple. With the deft stroke of the mascara wand we can turn back the clock. However this little miracle worker of the cosmetic bag comes with a warning Use it incorrectly and you've just added years to your appearance. Here's seven secrets to the correct and age-defying application of mascara.
1) Wipe your mascara wand on a tissue before applying it to your lashes. This gets rid of excess product and alleviates globs and clumps.
2) Never use old, clumpy, dried out mascaras. Make sure you change your mascaras every three months. Never pump your mascara wand in-and-out, as this pumps air into the tube and it not only dries out the mascara but also introduces bacteria into it.
3) Start at the root of the top lashes and shimmy your way to the tips by using small zigzag movements. To apply two coats make sure the first coat is completely dry. Never apply mascara to your bottom lashes directly as this ages you. The transfer from your top lashes when you blink is sufficient.
4) If you have droopy eye lids it's best to apply mascara on the outer corners of your lashes only rather than all the way across. By doing this you create a lighter feel to your lids avoiding the heavy ageing feel.
5) Invest in a good quality eyelash curler. Most people avoid using this because they don't know how to use them. Once you become adept it only takes 10 seconds. Hold your curler from underneath and put your top lashes in between the two rims. Press together for about 10 seconds and remove it by slowly rolling it up. This will give you an instant eye lifting effect. (Avoid metal curlers because these can break your lashes.)
6) Use a mascara primer. Primers coat lashes to give you extra width and length and they also separate them before you apply your mascara. Makeup artists swear by this relatively new invention.
7) Keep your lashes in good condition. Always remove your mascara at the end of the day with a gentle eye makeup remover. Use waterproof mascaras only on special occasions when you know you are going to need the extra staying power, as I believe they can dry out lashes, making them brittle. By perfecting the art of mascara application you can literally transform your look. It instantly defines the face and turns back the clock. No wonder it's what most of us would take with us to a deserted island.
Sweat Your Way to Great Skin

Recently I had the privilege of reviewing the Physiotherm Far Infrared Sauna at Strength2Strength at Robina on the Gold Coast. Let me just start by saying that I hate sweating, but for some unknown reason I like saunas, probably because I know they are good for me.
So when the company offered me 10 sessions to experience this sauna that is taking Europe by storm, I jumped at the chance. What Is a Far Infrared Sauna and how is it different to your regular sauna? Your regular sauna uses very high temperatures to heat the body and this can cause discomfort for a lot of people. Anyone with a heart condition or respiratory problems is unable to use saunas.
Some people just find it too stifling and find it too uncomfortable. The Infrared sauna doesn't rely on high temperatures to heat your body; it only gets up to about 40 - 45C and you can control the temperature to whatever is comfortable for you. Infrared light is part of the Sun's invisible spectrum and is simply a form of energy that is directly transmitted onto objects because of its specific wavelength. It has nothing to do with ultraviolet light which gives you sunburn and damages your skin. The Infrared rays penetrate your skin, giving you that wonderful natural warmth. You can be exposed to Far Infrared heat for hours and it will never cause your skin to burn. Far Infrared heat is completely healthy and safe for all living things. Before I started my first session I was told to drink plenty of water.
My husband was most pleased to hear this as he is always telling me to drink more. So I did my best and drank about 1 � litres by 3 pm and I took a litre with me. What I wasn't prepared for was how much I was sweating. When I first entered the sauna I was surprised at how comfortable the temperature was. The sauna cubicle is dry, there is no steam and it was around 40 degrees. So I settled back for a very relaxing 35 minutes. Within 10 minutes I was literally dripping with sweat, and I was told to keep towelling it off continually.
Sweating is, I was told the best way to detox the body. 'Elimination of toxins such as metabolic by-products from our own cells occurs through breath, urine, stool and sweat. As the skin is the body's largest organ and one designed to aid in cleansing and purifying (like a kidney), sweating plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy body.'(
I don't think I have ever sweated as much in my life. Needless to say I didn't drink enough water, got dehydrated and had the worst headache for the rest of the evening. That soon taught me to drink more water! Apart from the headache what I noticed most was how smooth my skin was all over my body. This was due to the fact that when you sweat the body's capillary network is dilated. Over my 10 sessions I have noticed a definite improvement in my skin's texture, complexion and tone. Beauty therapists often use Infrared therapy in conjunction with more traditional treatments, to enhance the results of facials, body wraps and exfoliation treatments.
The Infrared sauna is excellent for anyone in pain, suffering from insomnia, wanting to de-stress, wanting to lift depression, detoxify, boost circulation, boost the immune system and wanting to control weight. Yes I did say control weigh as the sweat production results in burning calories. (1 gm sweat requires 0.586 kcal) 'A moderately conditioned person can easily sweat off up to 500gms or more in a session. This translates to more than 300kcal - the equivalent to a brisk 30 minute walk. While this weight loss can be regained by re-hydration with water, the calories consumed will not. This is a valuable system for those who don't exercise and those who can not exercise, yet want an effective weight control and fitness program, along with the benefits that regular exercise bring
How to Beat Your Winter Skin Blues

With the onset of autumn and winter fast approaching, a lot of us are experiencing dry or drier skin. Our initial reaction can be to rush out and buy a heavier or more emollient moisturiser. While in some cases this is needed, for the most of us that is not the case.
Why do I say that?
To start with let me explain what a moisturiser is and isn't. The word moisturiser is actually quite misleading as it does not add any moisture to the skin. As we age our skin gets thinner allowing moisture to escape. The moisturiser simply acts as a barrier, prevents this water loss and helps maintain existing moisture levels in the skin. So how do we keep and maintain baby soft and comfortable skin during winter?
Here are a few recommendations to go by:
1) Only use very Gentle Cleansers and Scrubs.
Sometimes our tendency is to scrub those dead skin cells away as fast as we can. This however can do a lot of damage to the skin. Rather try an exfoliating lotion like Clinique Clarifying Moisture Lotion or Shiseido Bio-performance Intensive Clarifying Essence. These chemically exfoliate the skin without harsh granules to scratch or irritate the skin.
2) Use water-rich products rather than oil-rich.
Sometimes all the skin really needs is literally water or moisture rather than oils in the form of a moisturiser. Especially if you are in a particularly drying environment such as air-conditioning, high winds, flying or extreme cold. In this case make sure your skin is moist before applying your moisturiser. There are some great spitzes on the market that really hydrate the skin such as: House of Herbs Organic Rose Hydrating Mist, Claudalie Grape Water, Shiseido The Skin Care Soothing Spray. Clinique also have a whole range called Moisture Surge and it contains a gel-cream, eye gel and a face spray. These are all great to stop your skin from dehydrating. Personally I always carry a small bottle of face spray with me in my handbag, because most of these sprays you can use over the top of your makeup. So use them throughout the day, whenever you feel the need to.
3) Remember the skin south of your neck too.
During winter, dry scaly skin on your legs, knees and elbows is not uncommon. A great way to solve this for me is to pour body oil in my bathwater. You don't need much - the same amount as if you would be applying it directly to your skin but it's the lazy person's way of making sure your whole body is covered in oil. Also pure olive oil is fantastic, especially for the elbows and knees. Joan Collins recommends this.
4) Keep your lips and eyes well maintained.
As both these areas have thinner skin and fewer lipids in the skin than the rest of the face, it is vitally important to look after them well. Not by applying heavy creams as this will only block the pores and cause milia and other problems but by using products that will retain the moisture levels.