Underarm sweating is a severe problem faced by millions of people across the globe. It is a chronic condition wherein the subject has severe sweating in the arm pits and is referred to Axillary Hyperhidrosis. More than a million people in the U.S alone suffer from this disease. People suffering from Axillary Hyperhidrosis have been found to sweat four times more than normal subjects in order to maintain a normal body temperature. This condition can not only be a social stigma but if left ignored for long can lead to swelling, itching and redness of the underarms.
As far as sweaty underarms are concerned, people have reported that they have not been able to concentrate on their work and there has been a constant “low” feeling at parties and social gatherings. Be it inside a crowded bus or an evening garden party, Axillary Hyperhidrosis has been found to be a serious contributor towards low self esteem of the subjects.
The good news however, is that you can get rid of that smelly sweat forever with Botox injections. Botox has been approved the U.S FDA for treatment of Axillary Hyperhidrosis. Botox is not new to the medical fraternity. It has been successfully used for treating wrinkles. The very recent studies published are long term ones and Botox has been found to be effective in keeping severe underarm sweating at bay for at least two years.
Antiperspirants and prescription creams have been used for long to fight sever underarm sweating. Deodorants have been so extensively used and trusted upon that people tend to blame the amount of deodorant sprayed, not the deodorant itself for underarm stench. Botox injections can replace all such creams and sprays effectively. The myth of spraying more to fight sweat more however holds true for Botox to some extent. Recent three year trials on large populations have shown that people seemed to respond more to the treatment when given repeatedly. The study revealed that after the first treatment, 82% of the treated population had a reduction of symptoms by 75% four weeks after the injection and four weeks after the second and third dosages, the “sweat reduction” population went up to 79%. That clearly shows that Botox injections can keep sweaty underarms at bay if taken repeatedly. The trials have also concluded that Botox injections are safe and do not cause reactions or long term after effects when used regularly.
Botox injections work by blocking the chemical signals that are sent to the sweat glands. When the glands don’t receive signals, sweating process is inhibited. Taking a Botox therapy doesn’t require a lot of time. You can spend just ten to fifteen minutes at the doctor’s chamber and get a Botox injection. The cost usually varies from doctor to doctor, but you can expect each treatment to cost you to the tune of $2000. That however is acceptable if you consider the social stigma of severe underarm sweating.
In the follow-up study, researchers found Botox continued to be effective with repeated treatment. After the first treatment, 82% had up to a 75% reduction in sweat production in four weeks after the injection.
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