It is not necessary to spend a lot of money if you want to keep your hair healthy and beautiful. No one likes dandruff in his or her hair. Do not worry; you can prevent dandruff by following few simple and easy tips. The best way to cure or prevent dandruff is to apply natural products.
Dandruff is caused when the dead skin cells on your scalp shed terribly. There is a fungus that has also great role in developing dandruff. This causes white flakes and person feels itching sensation on scalp. The perfect solution to preventing dandruff from reoccurring is to use specialty hair care products that are created and designed to fight dandruff.
Tips to Prevent Dandruff
- Choose a dandruff fighting shampoo that is mild but contains active ingredients that help get rid of dandruff.
- Wash your hair regularly. Some people need to shampoo daily while others wash their hair twice or thrice in a week.
- Make sure you message your scalp gently while shampooing. Do not scrub or rub roughly even if you feel irritation on your scalp.
- Avoid using styling materials that increase dandruff in your hair. Also keep yourself away from stress as much as possible. Stress also increases dandruff.
- If applying natural products, give some time in observing the results. Natural treatments take time.
Homemade Dandruff Remedies
Here are some homemade remedies to prevent and get rid of dandruff. Natural and homemade products have slow effects and it might take some time. Here are some tips that might help you.
- If you mix vinegar and water and apply it on your scalp, you will get good results.
- Apply lukewarm coconut oil on your scalp with the help of cotton ball and leave it overnight. In the morning apply lemon juice on it. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash your hair as usual.
- Mix olive oil with almond oil and then message it gently on your scalp. Leave it for five minutes and then wash your hair.
- Grind fenugreek seeds soaked overnight into paste and apply. Leave for 30 minutes and then wash your hair.
- Aloe Vera is also great for soothing itchy skin. This is because it has endless medicinal properties. Message with it, leave for 15 minutes and then wash as usual
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