Considering breast implants and worried about the complications?
Are you considering getting breast augmentation cosmetic surgery? If so, read be sure to read through my articles on breast implants for my point of view on this topic (follow the breast augmentation tag at the bottom of this article). I am not against breast implant procedures at all. I just think women have a tendency to get them without fully understanding all that is involved. Women would be in a better position to know, in advance, all the risks and potential problems. I believe that knowing the risks helps with patient satisfaction levels after getting the surgery.
Women over forty really suffer the consequences with aging breasts, particularly if they have had weight gains and losses repeatedly, and/or multiple pregnancies. Not sure who out there has breast fed for a significant span of time, but once you get done breast feeding, your breasts have a great propensity to be flat as pancakes afterwards, especially on top – above the nipples. They can end up looking almost concave.
Consider yourself lucky, on the one hand, that you don’t need a breast lift or reduction
If you are one of those women who merely would like your breasts filled out again, consider yourself lucky. What I mean by that is that there are many women who want a breast reduction surgery or even a major breast lift operation. The desire for a lift or reduction are common scenarios for older woman. Breast reduction or lifts are even more involved than just getting implants put in. A very large breasted women can literally have back pain and physical problems from their over sized breasts. Not to mention, large breasts that have their nipples pointing downward (straight down) due to the forces of nature, can be an issue of self esteem too. Just know that a major breast lift or breast reduction can be a substantially more involved surgery than just getting some implants in. Major breast surgery leaves telltale scars, which we can talk about in a different series of articles. Suffice it to say, if you are a small relatively athletic women just looking to fill out breasts, you have the easiest of the possible problems.
That’s not to say that implants are a perfect solution. Breast implants of all cosmetic surgeries are the most notorious (along with rhinoplasty) for needing revisions done. Most women think complications are horrific, like when you get an adverse reaction to the silicon shell, or that the silicon leaks and then you get weird immunological problems. All of that bad stuff can conceivably happen, not to mention you could have reaction to anesthesia in general. So, yes, there are bad complications and horror stories we’ve all heard of from implants and silicon implants. But more typically, the breast implant surgery goes over okay, but then you get this problem: the implants just look ugly. The biggest problem of all, is that the implants look bad. It’s the problem of ugly breast implants.
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