To start: What is Glycolic Acid? Glycolic acid is marketed mostly as Fruit acid. But there is a lot
more to it.
more to it.
Also to have a complete understanding of the acids role and use in Skin Care products we
have to back track and try to understand how skin care was manufactured in the previous
have to back track and try to understand how skin care was manufactured in the previous
In the Forties and Fifties most Skin Care product where essentially made of Spermaceti Oil
(from Sperm Whales) Paraffin Wax, Petrolatum, and for the most expensive and most
progressive manufacturer using Lanoline and Olive Oil. (There is some evidence that
Cleopatra used those last two oils) In the Sixties a French manufacturer (Yves Rocher) a
pioneer of natural skin Care started to use Botanical extracts.
(from Sperm Whales) Paraffin Wax, Petrolatum, and for the most expensive and most
progressive manufacturer using Lanoline and Olive Oil. (There is some evidence that
Cleopatra used those last two oils) In the Sixties a French manufacturer (Yves Rocher) a
pioneer of natural skin Care started to use Botanical extracts.
At this time we had no evidence of the potency of the active ingredients. And, most of the
botanical extracts available on the market, where extracted for the Tobacco Industry as flavoring
agents. Only recently a standard has been established for the content of active ingredient in
botanical extracts. Also the ph balance of the product where on the acid side of the scale. (The
ph scale goes from 0 to 14 from maximum acidity to maximum basicity, and 7 being neutral)
The acidity of most products where usually in the range of: ph 5.5 to 6.5. This acidity level was
controlled using most of the time Citric Acid (from Citrus Fruits)
botanical extracts available on the market, where extracted for the Tobacco Industry as flavoring
agents. Only recently a standard has been established for the content of active ingredient in
botanical extracts. Also the ph balance of the product where on the acid side of the scale. (The
ph scale goes from 0 to 14 from maximum acidity to maximum basicity, and 7 being neutral)
The acidity of most products where usually in the range of: ph 5.5 to 6.5. This acidity level was
controlled using most of the time Citric Acid (from Citrus Fruits)
In the Fifties large skin care manufacturers went on a craze of “dementia grandiose” and
decided that: skin care has to be of a neutral ph of 7. A lot of advertising ensued, every body
was buying neutral ph Skin Care and every manufacturer where making neutral ph product.
decided that: skin care has to be of a neutral ph of 7. A lot of advertising ensued, every body
was buying neutral ph Skin Care and every manufacturer where making neutral ph product.
One as to understand that: in the first part of the last century nothing much was happening for
the Skin Care industry. The big money was in Make up. Those where the days of: false claims,
erroneous statements, bad science, and unfounded testimonials, where constant occurrence.
Also the killing of Sperm Whale became prohibited and a lot of animal fat showed up in the
market. This was a bounty for the mink/fur industry to market their otherwise wasted carcasses
of dead animals.
the Skin Care industry. The big money was in Make up. Those where the days of: false claims,
erroneous statements, bad science, and unfounded testimonials, where constant occurrence.
Also the killing of Sperm Whale became prohibited and a lot of animal fat showed up in the
market. This was a bounty for the mink/fur industry to market their otherwise wasted carcasses
of dead animals.
Now back to Glycolic acid. There are many forms of Glycolic acid: we have Alpha and Beta
Glycolic acids. Alpha Glycolic acid is for the most part Fruits acid and produced primarily from
sugar cane, pineapple, Citrus and other. A milder form of Glycolic acid is Lactic acid produced
from milk. Now for the Beta Glycolic acid: Beta glycolic acid is Salicylic acid, it is an organic acid
made from the amino acid Phenylalanine. It is also the main component of Aspirin.
Glycolic acids. Alpha Glycolic acid is for the most part Fruits acid and produced primarily from
sugar cane, pineapple, Citrus and other. A milder form of Glycolic acid is Lactic acid produced
from milk. Now for the Beta Glycolic acid: Beta glycolic acid is Salicylic acid, it is an organic acid
made from the amino acid Phenylalanine. It is also the main component of Aspirin.
Salicylic acid is use as a component in many brands of anti Acne products. Its use in anti
wrinkle cream is less widespread, probably for the difficulties encountered by the formulator
when adding it in an emulsion. Our short history of Skin Care manufacturing bring us in the
Nineties when a miracle happened: The industry rediscovered that acidic products are really
better for your skin than products with ph of 7or higher. Now the craze for acidic products as
started! The war of the acid percentages is on.
wrinkle cream is less widespread, probably for the difficulties encountered by the formulator
when adding it in an emulsion. Our short history of Skin Care manufacturing bring us in the
Nineties when a miracle happened: The industry rediscovered that acidic products are really
better for your skin than products with ph of 7or higher. Now the craze for acidic products as
started! The war of the acid percentages is on.
South responds and brings you 20% AHA. And so on to exhaustion. Is the morning after the war
the sun is raising on the battlefield, the dust settled and the Generals of both side are counting
their casualties, they now, realized that the war was unnecessary and a middle ground must be
found for the balance of life as we know it!
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