Spring is in the air and with it a change in our beauty needs. Brides are getting ready for their
summer weddings; our feet are getting tired of boots and want to show out off the latest nail
polish colors, our skin winter dry and needs to be moisturized. How about a few beauty tips to
start your springtime off right?
First beauty tip:
This is for the brides getting ready for their summer weddings. Get your manicures done before
you start shopping for your dress. If your nails look junky, no matter what dress you try on it just
won’t look right. A good manicure can take a so so look to outstanding! Besides manicures and
pedicures can be very relaxing during one of the most stressful times of getting everything
ready for your biggest day of your life! If possible get your groom to be in for a pedicure along
with you, he needs to relax as much as you do!
Second beauty tip:
Springtime we start thinking about changing up our hair color, going lighter as summer starts
getting closer. Best tip for changing up your hair color is this; your hair color must suit your skin
tone and eye color. The best judge of that would be your hairstylist. And be honest when you
go in for a color change, let them know how much up keep you are willing to do, what your life
style and how much you can afford to do. Changing from dark to blond takes time and money,
with lots of up keep you got to be willing to do it before really changing. Red is the hardest color
to keep in your hair, no matter what your natural hair color is.
Third beauty tip:
Lip color you got to love this year! Bold coral lips are found everywhere, in fact many magazines
had models wearing shades of coral as far back as fall of last year! Lipsticks are not the only
thing found in coral, nail polishes in shades of coral are being found as well. Look for corals
more towards the reds more than oranges is really big. Now if you find coral a bit hard to wear,
try this instead go with a coral lip liner. Fill in your lips with a coral lip liner and then over it with
clear lip gloss. Try a sheer lipstick, gloss or tint. You can always build up the color on your lips
to the shades you want to wear.
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